The Last Years of Clan MacIain
The History of the Western Highlands and Isles of Scotland, from AD 1493 to AD 1625, by Donald Gregory, was published in 1881. Its pages contain a detailed history of the last years of...
Clan MacIain of Ardnamurchan
The History of the Western Highlands and Isles of Scotland, from AD 1493 to AD 1625, by Donald Gregory, was published in 1881. Its pages contain a detailed history of the last years of...
Such evidence as we have for the day-to-day life of the ordinary member of Clan MacIain comes from the archaeological remains that we find all over Ardnamurchan and from a few other sources, such...
1. GILLEBRIDE King of the Sudereys: Iain Sprangach MacDonald, founder of Clan MacIain, was descended on his father’s side from Gilbert (Gillebride or Gillebhride) Mac Gille Adomnan, known as ‘na h-Uamh’ from the fact...
Above the village of Kilchoan stands the ruins of St Comghan’s Church, once the parish church of Ardnamurchan. While there would have been an earlier building on the site, this structure was probably built...
An Outline History of the MacIains of Ardnamurchan 1158 Somerled completes his defeat of the Norse King of the Isles, Godred Olafsson, and takes his kingdom. Somerled’s grandson, Angus Mor MacDonald, lays the foundation...
There are a number of places on Ardnamurchan which are special to the MacIains. Mingary Castle: Mingary Castle was built some time between about 1265 and 1295, probably by the MacDougalls when they held...
When Iain Sprangach MacDonald took control of his lands, the people he is likely to have found there would have been a mixed lot. Some would have been descended from the Gaelic-Norse population which...
The lands that came within the power of the lord of the MacIains varied with the fortunes of the clan, but the core lands extend from the Point of Ardnamurchan in the west to...
The scattering of the Ardnamurchan MacIains which began early in the 17th century means that it is unusually difficult for its present members to establish their sense of belonging to the clan. Your situation...
The year 1314 created Ardnamurchan Clan MacIain. In that year Angus Og MacDonald (Aonghas mac Domhnaill) fought with Robert the Bruce at Bannockburn and, as a reward, was given extensive lands on the west...